New Improved Fixed
almost 2 years ago

Release 1.6 - Time Approvals ☑️

New Feature - Time Approvals ✨

  • We have added a highly requested feature that enables your employees to request for their time reports to be approved.  As a manager of a given project, you can then approve the time reports of your employees.
    • To house this feature we have created a completely new module of Quidlo called “Time Approvals”.
    • It is divided into two parts “My requests” and “To approve”.
    • To request for a time approval simply click the “Create new request” button and then choose the time reports you want your manager to approve. 
    • To approve a time report, on the other hand, head to the “To approve” section where you will see all of the requests you can approve or reject.
      • This list can be filtered by project, people, or request status.
  • It’s important to note that as a manager you cannot approve your own request.
  • Time approvals are a premium plan feature only.
  • You might need to enable the Time Approvals feature in your workspace settings as it’s turned on by default only for new Free Trial and Premium users.
  • You can also see which manager has accepted a given time request by navigating to the details of a given request. 
  • When the approvals feature is turned off the status column will not be visible on the reports page. 

Other New Features ✨

  • You can now add time entries for other users provided you are a manager of a given project or an admin of a workspace. To do that, simply change the tracker view from “Me” to “My team” in the top right corner.

    You will now see the tracker with the additional option of choosing a user for whom you want to add a time entry. 
    • To adjust the UI for this feature the tracker has been improved. Now you can easily switch it between two modes: 
      1) tracking time (clock icon) and 2) adding a time entry (+ icon).

Fixes & Improvements 🚀

  • Minor copy changes across the app and email updates.
  • Minor UI & UX improvements to the Settings section.
  • When trying to change your name you will now see an error message when the name is too short or too long.
  • In the Settings and Features section, the toggles should now be correctly refreshed when switching to a different subscription plan.