Release 1.7 - Start & end time entry ⏱️

New Feature - Start & end time entry ✨

We have added a Start and end time feature that requires your employees to report time with start and end time. 

  • Start & end time entry is a premium plan feature only. You can activate it for your workspace in the settings section. 
  • When turned on, every time entry must include both a start and end time. Time entries reported before activating this feature will not include start and end times but can be edited appropriately.
  • The duration of each time entry is automatically calculated based on the start and end times provided.

Fixes & Improvements 🚀
  • Downloaded reports now proprely show the status column for workspaces using the Approval feature.
  • The “Owner” role can no longer be passed to inactive users.
  • We have added some missing error messages for users. 
  • Filters for approvals are now retained when switching between tabs.
  • For resolved Approvals requests, the manager who has accepted/rejected/withdrawn a request is now displayed in the “Approvals - My Requests” sections.
  • Projects can now be completely deleted.
  • No more boring default avatar image, now you’ll see some nice placeholder images as a default avatar.